' 005 Challenge.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.6 [B+=MGA] 2016-06-10 Title = "Challenge:" + CHR(13) + CHR(10) sub wait ? ? "...press any to continue" : pause : cls ? Title end ? Title ? "!!! Right click mouse or tap 3 vertical bars (Android)" ? "!!! to access the popup menu that gives access to vital" ? "!!! functions. Call this GET POPUP." ? ? "You can GET POPUP now and select View Source" ? "to see the code for this, specially if you are viewing" ? "On-line samples for which the editor is not available." ? ? "Play this game and then try and code it." ? ? "Challenge part 2: ? "After playing this game then coding and testing it," ? "you have probably discovered a systematic way to" ? "play it, such that you must find the number within" ? "a certain amount of moves." ? ? "What is the maximum amount of guesses it would" ? "take to find any number? Write the code to handle" ? "the 'guessing' part in finding the number and say" ? "hello to AI!" ? wait WHILE 1 x = RND * 100 \ 1 + 1 'remember \ rounds down to integer 'so range is 0 - 99 before adding 1 guessCOUNT = 0 WHILE guess != x INPUT "(0 quits) Guess my number from 1 to 100 > "; guess IF guess THEN guessCOUNT = guessCOUNT + 1 IF guess < x THEN ? "Too low" ELIF guess > x ? "Too high" ELSE ? "You guessed in ";guessCount;" guesses." ? END IF ELSE end END IF WEND WEND